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Rules and conditions


Every care will be taken with exhibits, but no responsibility will be accepted. No person under disqualification recognized by the Society may exhibit or compete.

IMPORTANT: Competitors by entering, agree to abide by any decision of the Committee in regard to entries and agree to compete/exhibit at their own risk. To indemnify and keep indemnified the Wee Waa Show Society Inc. (the ‘Society), Committee and Members against all claims, suits, actions or demands which may be bought against it in respect of any injuries or other loss sustained by such competitor or exhibitor or otherwise in the course of competing/exhibiting in any event or class. And agree to exonerate the Society, it’s Committee and Members for all responsibility and from all loss or injury whatsoever whether from alleged negligence or otherwise.

Permission is assumed to photograph any exhibit or entry for publicity purposes of the Show Society. Photographic reproductions may be used by the Society in printed or electronic form. You need to be aware that your photographs, or a photograph of your entry or exhibit, may be used in these situations unless you ask for it not to be. If there are circumstances where you do not want a photograph of your entry used, or you are giving permission for photograph of your entry to be used for one purpose only, you need to advise the Society in writing. Entrants waive all rights to fees, royalties or any other commission or compensation for no or on the future relating to photographs.

Banned Items

Indicative only, refer to current list at http://www.agshowsnsw.org.au

• Drug related goods (including cocaine kits, bongs etc);
• Explicit and hardcore t-shirts;
• Fake cigarettes;
• Fireworks – crackers
• Fuel type fire lighters (Zippo);
• Horns and trumpets;
• Knives (including pen knives) – excluding appropriately packaged kitchenware sets; • Pressure pack fart gas;
• Silly string;
• Water bombs
• Electric Hands
• Laser Pointers
• Metal and wooden martial art nunchakus; • Playing cards (Nude or Lurid);
• Pressure pack snow;
• Stink bombs;
• Bouncing beans;
• Toy guns are acceptable; however, the following are NOT: (ball bearing guns, eight shot caps, pellet guns, pop downs (throw downs), potato guns (bullet type), roll caps, strip caps and water pistols over 150mm (6”)).

Car Parking: Exhibitors and competitors’ cars must park in designated parking areas. Car stands around the ring are reserved for mobility impaired patrons and car stand holders and for this requirement must be reserved prior to the Show to enable access arrangements. Cars parked outside of designated parking areas and/or within pedestrian areas of the showgrounds may be towed at the owner’s expense. No responsibility will be taken for damage to vehicles or vehicle content.

Program & Schedule: This program was accurate at the time of printing; however, the Society reserves the right to change the program as, and if, required. The most current program will be available on the Wee Waa Show Society Website www.weewaashowsociety.com. Contact the Steward as listed for each section if you have questions in relation to a specific section. Results of judging will not be available prior to the first day of the Show. In the case of insufficient numbers being nominated or shown in any class, the Society retains the right to suspend classes at any time.

Entry Conditions: The section Steward retains the right to reduce prize money where classes are not sufficiently patronized. No refunds will be made after close of entry. In the event of the judge deciding that the exhibits in any class are not worthy of a prize, no prize will be awarded. The Judge’s decision is Final.

Pavilion Entries: Entries are to be made on the official entry form and in accordance with the riles of the specific section. Entry forms are available on the Wee Waa Show Society Website www.weewaashowsociety.com. Entry fees must accompany the entry form and waiver forms must be signed by all non-pavilion exhibitors and competitors (forms for participants under 18 must be signed by a parent or guardian). There will be no exceptions to this rule.

Please note entry closure, drop off, and collections times and dates for each section as listed at the top of the individual schedules – each section varies. Exhibits must be in quantities and type specified in the schedule. Exhibits entered in a wrong class may be transferred at the discretion of the Steward for that section. The Steward has the right to accept or refuse any exhibit and the decision is final. If there are only two entries in a class, second place will be awarded at the discretion of the judge.

All items or goods shall remain the property of the exhibitor. Entries are accepted subject to the rules, by laws and regulations of the Society, in addition to any special regulations, which appear in the schedule.

Protests: All protests must be made in writing, accompanied by a deposit of $10, which shall be forfeited in the event of the protest being deemed frivolous. Such protest is to be handed to the secretary at the office at the ground within three hours after the event relative to which the protest is made has had the award cards exhibited, except in the case of Ring Events, for which the time limit shall be half an hour after judging.

Animal Events: The Wee Waa Showgrounds PIC numbers is NC452061. All cattle, sheep and goats have to be identified with an NLIS tag (except for dairy goats) and must be accompanied by a National Vendor Declaration (NVD) or a Transported Stock Statement (TSS) for the movement to the show and back home or other property. PIC numbers and NVD/TSS numbers must be recorded on entry forms or a copy provided to Steward at entry for cattle, Sheep events. The entry will not be valid if a PIC number is not recorded. PIC numbers and TSS numbers must be recorded on horse entry forms. Competitors in all horse sections must wear the wristband provided when the indemnity forms are signed. No wristband – no entry. No straw bedding is to be used on the Showground – $1000 removal and cleaning fee imposed.

Covid-19: All competitors and general public must abide by NSW Health regulations; by maintaining safe social distancing, good hand hygiene practices and follow all directions from Covid Marshalls, Committee and Stewards. Anyone who appears to be unwell will be denied entry to the Show. Anyone found to be not complying with health regulations will be removed from the grounds.

Memberships: Can be purchased online at www.weewaashowsociety.com or email [email protected] to request a form. Online membership can be purchased up until 5pm Tuesday 23rd August 2022 or in person from the Secretary’s office from Thursday 25th August 2022.